2009年10月26日 星期一

multimedia platform - 多媒體平台

A multimedia framework is a software framework that handles media on a computer and through a network. A good multimedia framework offers an intuitive API and a modular architecture to easily add support for new codecs, container formats and transmission protocols. It is meant to be used by applications such as media players and audio or video editors, but can also be used to build Videoconferencing applications, media converters and other multimedia tools. multimedia frameworks are available for different operating systems

多媒體平台是一個軟體,處理媒體在計算機上和網絡上。一個好的多媒體平台提供了一個直覺的API和模塊化架構,支持輕鬆地添加新的編解碼器,容器格式和傳輸協議。它意味著要使用的應用程序,如媒體播放器和音頻或視頻編輯,但也可用於構建視頻會議應用 ,媒體轉換器和其他多媒體工具。多媒體平台可用於不同的作業系統

