2009年10月26日 星期一

瀏覽器遊戲(Browser game)


A browser game is a video game that is played on a web browser. It is distinct from other video and computer games in that it typically doesn't require any client-side software to be installed, apart from the web browser. There are games that rely solely on client-side technologies such as JavaScript or common plugins such as Java or Flash Player, whereas some employ server-side scripting. The latter case consists typically of (massively) multiplayer games or simple two-player board games where the user plays "the (server) computer" as an opponent such as early online versions of Reversi, whereas the client-side games are typically single-player games. A game played in a browser is often called a browser game .

瀏覽器遊戲是視頻遊戲在一個網頁瀏覽器遊玩 。 這是不同於其他的視頻和電腦遊戲 ,因為它通常不需要任何客戶端軟件安裝,除了網路瀏覽器。 有遊戲,單純依靠客戶端技術,如JavaScript的或共同的插件 ,如爪哇或Flash播放器 ,而一些採用服務器端腳本 。 後一種情況下由通常為( 大型 )多人遊戲或簡單的兩名球員的棋類遊戲 ,用戶玩“的(服務器)電腦”作為對手,如早期的在線版本的翻轉 ,而客戶端的遊戲通常是單玩家遊戲。 一個遊戲在瀏覽器中發揮了通常被稱為基於瀏覽器的遊戲 。

