2009年10月7日 星期三

About The "Facebook for iPhone"

(Picture Source:http://tech-phone.blogspot.com/)
iPhone App

The Facebook iPhone website was launched August 2007 and as of July 2008 over 1.5 million people use it regularly. A free application for the iPhone and iPod Touch named "Facebook for iPhone" was launched July 2008.Version 2.0 of this app was released in September 2008 and featured improved services such as being able to respond to friend requests and notifications.Version 3.0 was released in August 2009 and added features such as events, and uploading video with a iPhone 3GS.

在2007年八月FaceBook的iPhone版網站啟動了,2008年七月時有超過150萬的註冊用戶在使用它,2008年七月一個可以在iPhone和iPod Touch免費註冊且名為"Facebook for iPhone"應用程式誕生了。

3.0版則在2009年八月發布而且增加了附加的功能像是活動和在iPhone 3GS上傳影片。

